Friday, November 12, 2010

2 months down...many more to go

So today is the official day of 2 months since the start to the Americorps Cape Cod program. And it was a very interesting day indeed.

Keith, Laura, Sheila, Sarah, Amy, and Me were all assigned to work at 725 Main street in Hyannis today. Well things started off great, it wasnt to chilly and we were all glad it was Friday. We a few hours in Laura and I look over and see that Amy is thrashing around on the ground. At first I thought that it was her stomache that was causing her pain. But come to find out she had stepped into a divit/ manhole and "broke her leg" or so we thought. So after Sheila forcefully telling her to calm down and allow us to call an ambulance, she went to the hospital. They determined that it was not broken but the blood had clot in her leg. The physician massaged the clot out and she was better. Her leg will be sore for a bit but nothing to major! So then we called it lunchtime and went to get Chai Mate's at the Common Ground. We rounded out the rest of the day with more lopping and weeding. Overall a very interesting and great day!

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