Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Remember remember the month of November

"Remember, remember / The month of November / The service, labor and sweat. / I know of no reason / Why the service and labor/ Should ever be forgot".

I really cannot believe that it is already the 9th of November. It's almost been 2 months since we started this journey on Cape Cod. We've got a long way to go still. But hopefully the road will be smooth and satisfying.

I never used to really feel stress. But for some reason now that Im in this new program, something has changed. I need new was to deal with it. I try to read, relax, exercise, do Qi Gong, etc to relieve stress but that doesnt usually help for when im in the moment. Sometimes I get so stressed out that I get angry or annoyed. I really dislike myself when Im like that :/

Update on my IP- Well WBNERR seems like a great group of people and are striving to be environmental stewards, I just dont yet see how I fit into the picture. I feel as if they dont really need my help. I know they have lost their main education person (Pat) to a new job, and I have done a few education based things thus far. I just dont really know where I stand as of yet. Maybe things will pick up once spring rolls around. Who knows. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

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