Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rollin' Woods

What to do on a lazy Saturday afternoon, you ask? Well why not take a nice little bike trip from North Falmouth to Wood's Hole! These pictures are from mine and Laura's Saturday afternoon bike ride on the Cape :)

 The Shining Sea Bike Path from Falmouth to Wood's Hole
 America the Beautiful :)

 Beautiful harbor
 Fall foliage along the way!

 Really big eerie run down house

 Reds, oranges, and Phragmities OH MY!

 Laura and I stopped a lot on our way to take pictures!
I can see why they call it the Shining Sea Path!
 This is my pal Laura
 Marshy area
 Can see Wood's Hole coming up in the distance :)

 Mr. Swan
 Wood's Hole!!!
 The plaque that names this bike path!
 Ohh and we cant forget the cranberries from the bog on our way back!!
 10.7 miles each way! What an amazing day we had :)

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