Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today was the first time I've ever taught kids. I took 3 groups of 6-8 8th graders to the the shoreline survey of Shivrick's Pond in Falmouth. My SP Nancy went around with me for the first class and this seemed to have gone really well. The kids seemed to be still asleep then though. The second group of kids were a lot more engaged and talkative with me. But I was done like 20 minutes early and didnt no what else to talk about with them. So we walked back around the pond. Then I had an hour and a half off and spent it talking to the 2 volunteers that taught the other kids in the class. The last class that we taught today still went pretty ok, but got done teaching with 15 minutes left to spare. After teaching I wasnt feeling so well, so I went home early :(

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