Saturday, October 30, 2010

AmeriWeen 2010

Yes, I did indeed do that. Make the title of this entry into an AmeriWord :)

So anyways, last night was our time to celebrate Haloween. We all had been invited to a house party for an Americorps Cape Cod alumni. It was pretty great for a while, until I and a few others were the only  sober people at the party. So thats when we decided to make our treck home. Here are a few pictures of the night's events.
 The Flapper and a Geisha -- The start to the night
 Us roommates  -Sheila

 The Wellfleet girls! Monica-PI Sarah-80's girl  Shivani- English Ivy  Brigit- Mermaid  Stefanie- Wolf Tamer
 Laura as Liz Lemon from 30 Rock
 Me and Keith the Clock
 Mike as Dwayne from Little Miss Sunchine
Emma as a really creey clown :)

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