Monday, November 29, 2010

Chapin Beach, Dennis

So today was group service day out in Dennis. We worked on installing snow fencing out on Chapin Beach. The weather was beautiful, the sight was breathtaking, and the work was rewarding! Overall one of the best Monday's I think I've ever had. Here are some pictures:

Friday, November 12, 2010

2 months down...many more to go

So today is the official day of 2 months since the start to the Americorps Cape Cod program. And it was a very interesting day indeed.

Keith, Laura, Sheila, Sarah, Amy, and Me were all assigned to work at 725 Main street in Hyannis today. Well things started off great, it wasnt to chilly and we were all glad it was Friday. We a few hours in Laura and I look over and see that Amy is thrashing around on the ground. At first I thought that it was her stomache that was causing her pain. But come to find out she had stepped into a divit/ manhole and "broke her leg" or so we thought. So after Sheila forcefully telling her to calm down and allow us to call an ambulance, she went to the hospital. They determined that it was not broken but the blood had clot in her leg. The physician massaged the clot out and she was better. Her leg will be sore for a bit but nothing to major! So then we called it lunchtime and went to get Chai Mate's at the Common Ground. We rounded out the rest of the day with more lopping and weeding. Overall a very interesting and great day!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Remember remember the month of November

"Remember, remember / The month of November / The service, labor and sweat. / I know of no reason / Why the service and labor/ Should ever be forgot".

I really cannot believe that it is already the 9th of November. It's almost been 2 months since we started this journey on Cape Cod. We've got a long way to go still. But hopefully the road will be smooth and satisfying.

I never used to really feel stress. But for some reason now that Im in this new program, something has changed. I need new was to deal with it. I try to read, relax, exercise, do Qi Gong, etc to relieve stress but that doesnt usually help for when im in the moment. Sometimes I get so stressed out that I get angry or annoyed. I really dislike myself when Im like that :/

Update on my IP- Well WBNERR seems like a great group of people and are striving to be environmental stewards, I just dont yet see how I fit into the picture. I feel as if they dont really need my help. I know they have lost their main education person (Pat) to a new job, and I have done a few education based things thus far. I just dont really know where I stand as of yet. Maybe things will pick up once spring rolls around. Who knows. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rollin' Woods

What to do on a lazy Saturday afternoon, you ask? Well why not take a nice little bike trip from North Falmouth to Wood's Hole! These pictures are from mine and Laura's Saturday afternoon bike ride on the Cape :)

 The Shining Sea Bike Path from Falmouth to Wood's Hole
 America the Beautiful :)

 Beautiful harbor
 Fall foliage along the way!

 Really big eerie run down house

 Reds, oranges, and Phragmities OH MY!

 Laura and I stopped a lot on our way to take pictures!
I can see why they call it the Shining Sea Path!
 This is my pal Laura
 Marshy area
 Can see Wood's Hole coming up in the distance :)

 Mr. Swan
 Wood's Hole!!!
 The plaque that names this bike path!
 Ohh and we cant forget the cranberries from the bog on our way back!!
 10.7 miles each way! What an amazing day we had :)

AmeriWeen 2010

Yes, I did indeed do that. Make the title of this entry into an AmeriWord :)

So anyways, last night was our time to celebrate Haloween. We all had been invited to a house party for an Americorps Cape Cod alumni. It was pretty great for a while, until I and a few others were the only  sober people at the party. So thats when we decided to make our treck home. Here are a few pictures of the night's events.
 The Flapper and a Geisha -- The start to the night
 Us roommates  -Sheila

 The Wellfleet girls! Monica-PI Sarah-80's girl  Shivani- English Ivy  Brigit- Mermaid  Stefanie- Wolf Tamer
 Laura as Liz Lemon from 30 Rock
 Me and Keith the Clock
 Mike as Dwayne from Little Miss Sunchine
Emma as a really creey clown :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today was the first time I've ever taught kids. I took 3 groups of 6-8 8th graders to the the shoreline survey of Shivrick's Pond in Falmouth. My SP Nancy went around with me for the first class and this seemed to have gone really well. The kids seemed to be still asleep then though. The second group of kids were a lot more engaged and talkative with me. But I was done like 20 minutes early and didnt no what else to talk about with them. So we walked back around the pond. Then I had an hour and a half off and spent it talking to the 2 volunteers that taught the other kids in the class. The last class that we taught today still went pretty ok, but got done teaching with 15 minutes left to spare. After teaching I wasnt feeling so well, so I went home early :(

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

1 1/2 Months In

So Im just starting this blog now and Im dedicating it to all my experience with Americorps Cape Cod.

Im not going to do a recount of what has happened so far--but I will try my best to write journal entries about some everyday things that happen here on the Cape.

Friday night was Mission Wolf--here are some pictures of the wolves

 This is Abraham-- he is a wolf/dog mix
 Magpie--she is the leader
 Magpie again
 Puppy howl
 Wolf howl
This was such a great night and what an amazing experience to touch an actual wolf!